Muddy Shoes

Dommes show off their muddy shoes

Mistress Nica likes to try different things and today she tried muddy shoes fetish. She wanted to find out how much fun it would be to trample and wade in mud and in water using her wellies. The mistress loved the feeling of her feet sinking and getting sort of stuck. She only wished that there was a loser she could humiliate for fun in the mud and with her muddy shoes.

Lady B was pissed and she had to take out her anger on something because she did not want to take it out on someone. The mistress chose to crush these pumpkins she found as she drove. The mistress stomped them hard and since they were rotten, she was able to smash them and make a mess out of it all. The mistress used her muddy shoes to do it.

This mistress did not like the kind of photos this photographer was taking. She was pissed at him and she wanted him to learn to do things the proper way. She even doubted whether he was a professional. The mistress used her muddy shoes to trample his white shirt and to make him feel pain. She wanted him to do things the right way and he did after that trampling.

Mistress Natasha found out that her assistant had forgotten important documents back home instead of bringing them for their meeting which was the following day. They realized after they had checked into a hotel. She was so pissed at him that she made him lick her muddy shoes before making him find a way to get the documents because they were very important for the meeting they had traveled to have.

Madame Marissa caught her boyfriend cheating and she did not like it. She had to make sure that he learned his lesson the hard way. The mistress had to make sure he would never even think about it let alone do it again. So she used her muddy shoes to trample, stomp as well as crush him. He was in the pain of his life and he regretted what he had done.

Mistresses Courtney and mistress Suzanna are the kind of people you do not need to mess with if you know what is good for you. These mistresses love to torture and they use any slight reason to torture someone and teach them a lesson they will never forget. And that is what happened to this loser as he was forced to endure being stomped and crushed using muddy shoes.

Lady Karame had been rained on and her boots had caught mud. But she had not done it on purpose. She only came to find out that she could use it. And she was pleased that she had muddy shoes as she used them to punish and to torture this loser. The mistress forced the guy to lick them until they were clean. She did not want him to do it superficially.

Mistress Tiffany was exasperated because she felt like her slave did not understand her. Or if he understood her, he ignored her. The mistress wanted to punish him and make sure that he understood all she said and he acted on the what she told him. So she used her muddy shoes to do it. She forced him to lick the muddy boots and that served as a lesson to him.

When this mistress noticed that her farmhand was doing the wrong thing on her crops, she ran out of the house with only her bikini and her rubber boots. She did not care how she looked to him and as she stepped on mud on her way to him, she punished him with the same muddy shoes as she stomped on him to make him understand there were no shortcuts and he had to do the right thing.

Mistress Natasha found her boyfriend being cozy with other girls and she did not like it. She had to punish him so that he never did that again as it would lead to him cheating. So she forced him to lick her muddy shoes. And it was not optional for him to do so. He regretted what he had done and told her he had learned his lesson and would not do it again.

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