Muddy Shoes

Dommes show off their muddy shoes

Lady Shay was in a bad mood and she needed to release some anger she felt. So she took a toy and she crushed it with her muddy shoes. She took out her anger and frustration on it because she did not want to do the same to an actual human being. Lady Shay did this whenever she was in such a mood and it helped her a great deal.

Mistress Gaia had to tame this loser and she did it using her muddy shoes. She did not want to have a slave who disobeyed her and was unruly. So she plotted how to tame him and she chose to do it with her muddy boots which he had to lick. She did not care what he felt. All she wanted was for him to change and since he did not want to feel that again, he changed.

Mistress Christin loves to crush and destroy. Today as she was taking a walk, she came across a teddy bear and she could not see the owner nearby. The mistress chose to destroy it and she did it by crushing it with her muddy shoes. She did not care whether the owner would come back for it. All the mistress wanted was to have fun crushing it and she did.

This mistress was stressed and when she is stressed, she likes to go for a walk as well as to smoke. So she went out for a smoke and a walk. She was better when she came back to the house. But her boyfriend pissed her off again and she took out her stress on him. The angry mistress did this by forcing her boyfriend to lick her muddy shoes.

Madame Marissa did not like how proud this girl was. She tried her best to avoid the girl but today their paths crossed and she could not stand how proud she was. The mistress had to punish her and take her pride down a notch. The mistress forced the girl to lick the soles of her muddy shoes. It was not optional and the girl for the first time got the humiliations he deserved.

These mistresses had beef with the owner of this expensive sheepskin. And they knew how much he loved it. It was his pride and joy because it was rare. The mistresses chose to send a message to him by stealing it and then trampling and stomping it with their dirty and muddy shoes. When they were done doing it, the mistresses left it for him to find and wrote a note for him.

Lady Karame wanted to humiliate this loser and she did it with her boots. The boots were muddy and she wanted them licked clean. He had thought he would be asked to wash them but he was shocked when he was told to lick them instead. He tried to talk to her to allow him to wash them but she did not agree. He had no choice but to do it her way.

Lady Shay went to the farm where this guy had planted some plants. They were very tiny and she did not think twice but went ahead to crush and stomp on them. It did not take her long to crush and destroy them. The mistress did all this because this loser had not paid her the money he had borrowed from her. He regretted not doing it because he had a huge loss to contend with.

Mistress Liliana felt that this guy was not obedient and he needed to be trained to be. She did not want to stay with a slave who was not obedient. The mistress, therefore, used her shoes to teach him how she wanted him to behave. And the guy was forced to lick her feet in order to learn how she wanted him to do things. He had no option but to do it.

This mistress had asked this guy for directions but he got her lost. She was so angry at him for the wrong directions that she waded in mud and she went back to find the guy who had given her the wrong directions so that she could punish him for what he had done. She did not care how cruel it was or if he was not malicious when he misled her.

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